Weekly Play Ransom

This is how I feel when people who have never taught or been in education make comments and are negative toward teachers wanting fair pay. Boy would I love to invite them in this year, with it being my hardest year ever. "Welcome to my room were a 5 year old won't stop screaming and throwing tantrums all day long but don't forget you still have to teach the other 16 kids! Have fun!" 

Sorry just being a bit bratty with this post. Yes, I chose this field knowing what the pay was but it doesn't mean I have to accept that for my whole teaching career. There is nothing wrong with fighting for what you deserve. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just because you knew the pay going in doesn't mean you can't advocate for change, especially because even though the life of a teacher is constantly changing with different reforms, requirements, class sizes, and demands in general.. the pay has not had a dramatic change. A single person living in Seattle is considered "low-income" if they make below about $50k, I think that's about how much teachers make but i'm not sure.
    What was the process like making this ransom note? It looks cool I can think of a few reasons when I would like to use this! (holiday party invitations will be very festive this year)

  3. Absolutely nothing wrong with advocating for what you deserve. I'm all about learning how to do that well via a variety of media. How did you make this??

    1. I used a webpage called ransomizer.com and it was very easy. You just type in what you want and it produces and image or an html for you you use for free.


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