Mediated Writing: Through The Fire

I immediately knew which piece of writing I had that could be used to convert into a mediated writing piece. I took Digital Story telling over the summer and was able to tell the story of my grandfather's death. While the piece of writing I choose was a reflection on the process of creating it I knew it could be an opportunity to provide pictures and elements I was unable to in the digital story I created. This mediated piece allowed me to show more and provide more background information through the links embedded in the writing. I think this allowed me to share more than I had when I initially did this assignment. I could see how this could get carried away by the author losing the reader in the process. To much movement and information may be a bit overwhelming in some of these mediated writing pieces. I actually would love to use this more in the future for myself  in the classroom. I wouldn't be able to have my students use I because they are too young at 5 and 6 to use it but I could present stories and information using it. I could also see having a welcome letter with more information for parents. It could include pictures and links to the important information on the school or district websites. I look forward to using this more in the future.


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