Privacy Please!

"Think of a social networking site as being like a huge party. There are people there that you know, as well as some that you don't know at all. Imagine walking through the party with all your personal details, and up-to-the-minute accounts of what you are thinking, written on a big sign stuck on your back so that everyone can read it without you even knowing. Do you really want everyone to know all about you?"-Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line Defenders.

This part really makes a great point about sharing your personal details on social media. While come of this seems like a no brainer to me I have to remember the times we are in now compared to long ago. Initially signing up for social media sites like Myspace or Facebook it seemed very casual to put all your information on there. There were no stories to warn us or no real concern on many people's minds. Most people did it so I did too. We don't think anything will come of it but positive communication between friends. What we fail to remember is that over time this has changed and those friends (as I have mentioned in a previous post) are not friends but merely acquaintances. I have had a bad experience come form putting my phone number on Facebook so therefor it has changed how I share information on line altogether. In our society we often need something bad to happen before we take action. 

Since having a child I also love to share picture and videos of her. But I take great care in the picture or videos I post for fear of who could get a hold of them. I often see parents posting silly picture of their naked children doing something funny or for a keepsake photo. Not thinking anything of it because they are 2 or babies. Even with privacy settings on I would never post something like that of my child. Privacy for our children should be of the up most importance.

"Teachers in the US have been fired after posting updates about how they felt about their students; other employees have lost their jobs for posting about their employers. This is something that nearly everyone needs to be careful about."

Now that I am a teacher I also love to share things I do with my students or things they create. However I never rant or share bad situations or personal details in any post. I do not want to even get close to jeopardizing my job. The educational field is not so forgiving and neither are parents. 

I think we have gotten so accustomed to sharing and I am feeling that while it is time to educate ourselves and youth it is time to share less!


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