Digital Parenting in The Real World

In the first chapter of The Art of Screen Time by Anna Kamenetz she acknowledges the confusion we feel as parents about what is the "right" amount of screen time. She presents this in an easily readable manner that feels as though you are having a discussion with a friend. I found this introduction very refreshing as a parent because it acknowledged many of my feelings about my child and screen time. 

It was interesting that there really are not any studies or research to support or discourage certain amounts of screen time. Due to the fact that the studies would effect young children no one is willing to put them at risk. Considering children can not consent to a study knowing the full possible consequences of participating. While this is understandable it leaves this subject feeling devoid of proof or sound knowledge. Kamenetz mentions that even the "experts" are talk over and around each other further confusing parents in the process. Similar issues arose with the popularity of both the radio and the television although many people like to forget or were not there during that time to remember it. 

The first chapter of this book doesn't dig deeper into how we can parent in this time but it does provide a incentive to keep reading. She does however remind us that our children between birth and 5 have developing brains that are making connections and we do not yet know how screen time could affect those connections. 


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