Reading to Your Children Every Night

One piece of advice as a teacher mom that I wish I would give every single parent is to read to their children from the time they are born throughout school. While I experience the effects of reading to a child from birth with my own daughter, I experience the effects in the classroom as well. I can usually spot a child who wasn't been read to often or at all. This is usually a child that can't tell you where to start in a book or they will not turn through each page. They "finish" a book in about 10 seconds. Even if they are unable to read words they still are unable to simply look at the pictures and make up their own. I currently have at least 5 of those children in my classroom.

Children that have been read to are able to elaborate on pictures even if they can't read words. These children have a wider range of vocabulary and creativity. Having attended the Reading Summit in Seattle I found out that it is a common shock to many that they should have been reading to their baby or very young child. After attending this Summit I got pregnant with my daughter and I began reading to her in the womb. Now some may day I did this because I am a teacher but actually it was for the connection. Letting your child hear your voice and get familiar with its sound and comfort.
The benefits extend further then developing a relationship it has great benefits to their future and current learning. Reading to your children helps develop comprehension skills, critical thinking, language, and shows them it's value.

So spread the word that reading is important! Read to your kids, read to you nephews and nieces, read to the children in your life. Reading has value!


  1. Such an important issue. I am so intrigued by what you learned -- that it's a shock to some families that reading to children is so important. Your meme taps such a common funny image and it makes me think about how to educate parents about the "why" of reading and enjoying books with children. You really have me thinking about how these forms of media can teach actions, not just reactions and I want to think more about that!


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