Social Media vs. Health

Chapter 9 in Chayko's Superconnected was an interesting read. It left me feeling slightly more informed but also wanting more. I found the parts about health to be the most interesting because being a "Millennial" I am constantly hearing the nagging of older generations about our use of technology and social media.The idea of it being an addiction often comes up as well. In the reading the comparison of digital media use and excessive reading bring up a great point about the idea of digital use "addiction". 
"The same could be true of internet and digital media use, which is also sometimes dismissed as frivolous but is obviously used for a wide range of purposes with vast range of effects."-Chayko
I find it tremendously unfair to call excessive digital use as an addiction. I think its use gets confused as the problem versus some of the pages of types of sites being used. The blame should rather be on a more direct type of site such as porn. Their are other motivations behind that use and other benefits or pleasures being received. It is hard to blame technology when technology was simply the tool used to create a spread the bad. Technology also spreads so much good that I don't know that we can classify it as an addiction. 

" This awareness of stress in the lives of others can and does cause stress----especially, again, for women, who are likely to be attending personally to these kinds of issues." -Chayko
Hearing Chayko explain that women can often feel more stress from social media was sort of reassuring to me. I have experienced this especially when it comes to people losing loved ones or having a sick family member. Even people that seem to struggle with drug addiction. When I see an upsetting post or concerning post I feel that load of stress for them. Thinking also about the difference in feelings towards social media use and the generations I did a little research and found the below chart.  What I found interesting was the generation that is often so belittled for their high technology use was the most worried about its effects on their health. It made me feel as though I wanted to say "See we are worried too and we don't need the nagging!"  Maybe its because their seems to be so much indecision on where to classify it and what to compare it with. 


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