
Digital Life Skills

Reading 8 Digital Life Skills All Children need   I started to think more about the section about the neglect of digital citizenship. I often feel left in the dark when I hear this because I grew up as a millennial with technology but also because the school district I work in is always embracing technology and trying to incorporate it into our teaching with ease. We have begun to use in the last few years and even just this year I received a  Cubetto.  "A child should start learning digital citizenship as early as possible, ideally when one starts actively using games, social media or any digital device." I admit I use to believe most of the safe use of technology should rely on the parents. However after teaching for the last 5 years I have discovered that parents also lack training and knowledge to do so in many cases. Now living in the area we do parents often work at places like Microsoft, Boeing, and Amazon therefore they often have some great

The (Sometimes) Scary Science of Screens

In chapter 2 of The Art of Screen Time, Kamenetz discusses research that relates to screen time. She references Dimitri Christakis quite a bit given that he is the co-author of with the familiar rule to avoid television under the age of two. This was recommended  by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1999. Like many doctors and researchers in this area he believes the harm of screens in related to the amount of time spent using them. As I mentioned in my previous post researchers are not willing to have children participate in any studies that would increase screen time to prove this point. Christakis has actually done media reduction studies in the past but the issue that came up was he was putting in a large amount of work for very little results. the amount of reduction amounted to about 20 minutes and it was too hard for families to control and change their media lifestyles for the study. "Christakis urges us to consider the profound implications of exposing children to

Digital Parenting in The Real World

In the first chapter of The Art of Screen Time by Anna Kamenetz she acknowledges the confusion we feel as parents about what is the "right" amount of screen time. She presents this in an easily readable manner that feels as though you are having a discussion with a friend. I found this introduction very refreshing as a parent because it acknowledged many of my feelings about my child and screen time.  It was interesting that there really are not any studies or research to support or discourage certain amounts of screen time. Due to the fact that the studies would effect young children no one is willing to put them at risk. Considering children can not consent to a study knowing the full possible consequences of participating. While this is understandable it leaves this subject feeling devoid of proof or sound knowledge. Kamenetz mentions that even the "experts" are talk over and around each other further confusing parents in the process. Similar issues arose

Weekly Play Ransom

This is how I feel when people who have never taught or been in education make comments and are negative toward teachers wanting fair pay. Boy would I love to invite them in this year, with it being my hardest year ever. "Welcome to my room were a 5 year old won't stop screaming and throwing tantrums all day long but don't forget you still have to teach the other 16 kids! Have fun!"  Sorry just being a bit bratty with this post. Yes, I chose this field knowing what the pay was but it doesn't mean I have to accept that for my whole teaching career. There is nothing wrong with fighting for what you deserve. 

Memes that HURT!

"The labor of online content production is done with hopes of an audience in mind; memes are created for the very purpose of virality and, by extension, appropriation." (Poor Meme, Rich Meme) I came across the meme above recently and I thought I recognized it with another meme I had seen circulating a long time ago. After doing a very quick google search I discovered the original meme this young boy was placed in (without any consent of course). It really got me thinking about our use of children's photos and videos in memes and gifs. After all we often share many pictures of our children, not thinking they will become a hurtful meme that goes viral. Now when I see this meme come up as a mother, teacher, and human being I am mad! Seeing a child with a clear disability but also a child should not be subjected to the cruelty of being in a meme with such mean and hurtful comparisons and "humor". Someone found this child's photo and instead of usin

Social Media and Elementary Students

Reading Can Public Education Co-exist with Participatory Culture? by Elizabeth Losh and Henry Jenkins I thought more about the struggles teachers are facing with weather to embrace things like social media in the classroom. I have received the feeling that it is not very acceptable in my elementary school while just about every other form of technology is widely accepted and improved in my district. I went in search of more experiences by teachers in the field and their use of social media with Elementary Students. After all I feel that the younger we start teaching the appropriate use and tools it can provide the better these students will use it as teenagers. I came across the following article: Perhaps it was how she began her article that it caught me. "Let me begin this post by saying, "I agree." I agree that students should have recess and play outside. I agree that yo

Mediated Writing: Through The Fire

Through The Fire Choosing to tell this story I knew I would struggle emotionally to hear it and tell it. I had wanted to tell a story about becoming a mother because it was a happy story. However, I could f… Go to this Sway I immediately knew which piece of writing I had that could be used to convert into a mediated writing piece. I took Digital Story telling over the summer and was able to tell the story of my grandfather's death. While the piece of writing I choose was a reflection on the process of creating it I knew it could be an opportunity to provide pictures and elements I was unable to in the digital story I created. This mediated piece allowed me to show more and provide more background information through the links embedded in the writing. I think this allowed me to share more than I had when I initially did this assignment. I could see how this could get carried away by the author losing the reader in the process. To much movement and information may be a